Sunday, May 31, 2009

Today, the third day of the Waxahachie "Paint Out," I finally got to see many other artists at work, and spend some time conversing with them. Here are a few selected shots of them, along with the two watercolors I completed today. The old house reminded me of the wonderful Andrew Wyeth drybrush works, and I tried really hard to capture some of that technique (tried--I'll go to my grave wondering how Wyeth rendered some of his paint-peeled siding the way he did). The other painting is the abandoned rails found near the Feed Store I painted yesterday. I was smitten with the deep darkness of the forest beyond (even though it was about 1:30 in the afternoon), and tried to capture the contrasting deep interior with the sunwashed weeds in the foreground and canopy of leaves above. Of course, I always balk at painting pure landscape, so here are the technological intrusions of rails, utility poles and power lines.

It was another rewarding day for painting. The sun didn't get too awfully hot, and my motivation remained, even when the hours stretched into the later afternoon.

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